Asteria Aesthetics


Lipolysis Scultping Injections are an effective non-surgical method that breaks down and mobilises fat deposits in specific areas of the body, giving you a smoother and tighter look and feel.

Treatment Areas

The Face

  • Chin
  • Double Chin

The Body

  • Upper abdomen
  • Lower abdomen
  • Love handles
  • Hips
  • Inner and Outer thighs
  • Chin
  • Arms

  • Back (upper and lower)
  • Knees
  • Buttocks
  • Ankles
  • Waist
  • Saddles bags

How Does It Work?

CONTOUR ADVANCE a gentle, effective non-surgical method that mobilizes fat deposits in specific areas of the body by releasing it via the lymphatic system to be metabolized by the body’s natural process. CONTOUR ADVANCE SOLUTION is very effective in combating cellulite, as well as firming, tightening and toning the skin.  You can expect to loose centimeters with every session.
CONTOUR ADVANCE is a natural solution injected into the fat layers where it is absorbed by the unwanted fat cells. Fat cells accumulate around the middle, buttocks, thighs, arms, chin, love handles, abdomen, etc. Such fat cells become slightly inflamed and breaks down in a few weeks of treatment. These fat cells are naturally removed through the body’s immune, urinary and renal system.
The active ingredient in ADVANCE is Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) a component of Soy Lecithin, which has the ability to remove fat on a permanent basis. Lecithin prevents the body from storing fat in the targeted regions and improves the fat burning capacity of the body. 

Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers you need...

  • What are the combined active ingredients?

    L-Carnitine: Mobilize and accumulated fat, releasing it so it can be burnt by the metabolism. Caffeine also improves the circulation and tightens and tones the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Fucus:  Aids the body get rid of retained fluids, stimulates the circulation and has a detoxifying and draining effect on the oedemas caused by cellulite.
Ruscus:  Aids to address problems related to blood circulation.
Glaucine:  Stimulates lipolysis and inhibits the emergence of new fat cells, which visibly reduces the appearance of “orange-peel skin”, restoring the skin’s firmness
Organic silica: Hydrates, renews and regenerates cells and improves the synthesis of collagen.

  • Which Areas Can Be Treated with Contours Advance?

    Upper abdomen, Lower abdomen, Double chin, Love handles, Hips, Inner thighs, Outer thighs, Chin, Arms, Back (upper and lower), Knees, Buttocks, Ankles, Waist, Saddles bags.

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